Summer Knight
The Dresden Files: Book 4
By Jim Butcher
The Dresden Files: Book 4
By Jim Butcher
Date/Time Started: November 11, 2014 3:55pm
Date/Time Finished: November 24, 2014 4:40pm
Date/Time Finished: November 24, 2014 4:40pm
Genre: Adult Fantasy
Number of Pages: 388

Not only do we get to learn more of Dresden's past as a certain lady from his youth resurfaces, but we get to see a whole new side and understanding of the relationship between Dresden and his godmother. While Dresden manages to get twisted into affairs between the fairies he comes to realize that he must look to the resources he has, trust, and stop pushing all of the strong people in his life away. Although Dresden thought he was helping people by pushing them away, he realizes that everyone needs help at times, and there is nothing wrong with asking for or accepting help.
This book is the fourth in a series, which means, of course, that you really ought to go out, get, and read the first three! Every book Butcher has written in this series features detailed characterization, great interlocking plots, and all in a fast paced style that shows the reader what is going on and draws the reader in without being overly detailed or caught in minute points.
Author Information:
The Dresden Files are the first books that Jim Butcher managed to get published. He is also the author of the Codex Alera, and a new steampunk series, Cinder spires. He is a gamer, including tabletop, video games, as well as LARP. He still lives in his hometown, Independence, Missouri.
For a more detailed biography of Jim Butcher, as well as a way to purchase his books, see his Amazon page.
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